G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y
{Sunday's heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
Throughout the week I've felt grateful for:
- Free healthcare
- The absolute vital and wonderful playtherapy at our hospital. It really saved our days during our stay there.
- My older children and husband visiting every day. It lightened up our moods.
- The patience and sweet politeness of little Timon thanking the nurses who woke him up in the middle of the night for medicine and everytime they opened up the playtherapy for us he emphasized loudly of the kindness in opening up for him to play.
- A nice outing with the family
- Lova bringing homemade chocolate cookies for our outing
- Lova's delicious fruit salad
- The wonder of a hollow tree
- A cute dog
- beautiful horses
- A mother-in law who has everything. This time I got a basket for Timon's wooden trainset, one for his playfood and one for his books.
- A nice walk with my husband with our youngest in the stroller. Really destressing
- The beautiful sunset when I picked up Lova from her horse riding
- a sweet cousin and a nice playground
- Staying at home for three days this week and making the time to bake some bread with Timon which he really appreciates
Joining Taryn at Wooly Moss Roots for Gratitude Sunday
It is wonderful to spend time with your family and do things together.
SvaraRadera((hug)) it sounds like you have had a lot going on. a beautiful list. :)