"Jätten har trampat sönder mitt rede, och krossat mitt ägg!" grät fågeln.
"Då förstår jag din sorg, men kan du inte bygga ett nytt rede?" frågade hon.
"Jag vågar inte så länge jätten är i närheten, för han är så stor och stark att ingen rår på honom. Å, jag önskar att jag var ett annat djur!
Jag önskar att jag var snabb och listig så att jag kunde lura jätten."
Då frågade prinsessan om hon ville ville bli förvandlad till ett sådant djur.
"Å ja!" sa fågeln. Prinsessan förvandlade fågeln till en hare. Haren, som hade varit fågel, tog ett prövande hopp, viftade lite med öronen och sa: "Så märkligt det känns. Så långa öron jag fick! Och vilka skutt jag kan ta!"
Den hoppade runt och var lycklig över den stora förändring som skett.
"Tack for att du förvandlade mig!" och så hoppade haren iväg.

"Då förstår jag din sorg, men kan du inte bygga ett nytt rede?" frågade hon.
"Jag vågar inte så länge jätten är i närheten, för han är så stor och stark att ingen rår på honom. Å, jag önskar att jag var ett annat djur!
Jag önskar att jag var snabb och listig så att jag kunde lura jätten."
"Å ja!" sa fågeln. Prinsessan förvandlade fågeln till en hare. Haren, som hade varit fågel, tog ett prövande hopp, viftade lite med öronen och sa: "Så märkligt det känns. Så långa öron jag fick! Och vilka skutt jag kan ta!"
Den hoppade runt och var lycklig över den stora förändring som skett.
"Tack for att du förvandlade mig!" och så hoppade haren iväg.

Haren hoppade glatt omkring och hade det bra. Det blev sommar, höst och vinter. Men då det blev vår igen, blev den sorgsen till mods. Prinsessan Vår kom vandrande ut på ängen och fann den ledsna haren.

"Hur är det fatt?" frågade hon.
"Hur är det fatt?" frågade hon.
"Jag vet inte riktigt" suckade haren. "Nu om våren känns det lite underligt ."
"Vill du kanske att jag förvandlar dig till en fågel igen?" frågade prinsessan.
"Nej, det är inte det" svarade Haren. "Men när jag ser alla fåglar bygga bo och lägga ägg så saknar jag det väldigt mycket nu på våren. Du förstår, jag har gjort mig ett litet rede i gräset, men det finns inga ägg i det."
"Å, var det inget annat," sa prinsessan och klappade haren. "Lägg dig i ditt rede, hare. Och var helt stilla."
"Vill du kanske att jag förvandlar dig till en fågel igen?" frågade prinsessan.
"Nej, det är inte det" svarade Haren. "Men när jag ser alla fåglar bygga bo och lägga ägg så saknar jag det väldigt mycket nu på våren. Du förstår, jag har gjort mig ett litet rede i gräset, men det finns inga ägg i det."
Prinsessan böjde sig ner över haren och andades på den.
"Nå, vad hände?" frågade hon efteråt.

Haren blickade försiktigt ner i redet och utbrast: "Ett ägg! Jag har lagt ett ägg!"
Ännu en gång böjde prinsessan Vår sig ned, och denna gång andades hon två gånger på haren.

"Två ägg till!" ropade den helt utom sig av lycka.
"Nu finns det tre vackra, färgglada och skimrande ägg i redet!"
"Nå, vad hände?" frågade hon efteråt.
Haren blickade försiktigt ner i redet och utbrast: "Ett ägg! Jag har lagt ett ägg!"
Ännu en gång böjde prinsessan Vår sig ned, och denna gång andades hon två gånger på haren.
"Två ägg till!" ropade den helt utom sig av lycka.
"Nu finns det tre vackra, färgglada och skimrande ägg i redet!"
Prinsessan log. "Och nu ska du få veta en hemlighet", viskade hon.
"Från och med nu kan du lägga ägg en gång om året. En gång varje vår.
Det er min gåva till dig. Och nu, farväl!"
"Från och med nu kan du lägga ägg en gång om året. En gång varje vår.
Det er min gåva till dig. Och nu, farväl!"
Och medan haren, stolt och lycklig, beundrade sina fina ägg, vandrade prinsessan Vår vidare genom skogen.
Och varför ger påskharen bort sina ägg?
Berätta gärna!
Denna saga hittade jag förra året på norska hos Ingelas lekstuga. I år har jag förenklat och anpassat den lite samt lagt till bilder. Gruffalon har blivit en favorit här hemma men när jag köpte honom för en krona på ett loppis i somras hade jag intentionen att han skulle få spela jätte i denna påsksaga.
The Easterbunny- The Original Story
Once upon a time a little bird built a nest for her egg. Suddenly a giant passed by. The giant was a troublemaker who found pleasure in destroying. The bird begged the giant not to crush the nest, but he just smiled scornfully and crushed both nest and egg with his big foot. The bird cried with grief. Then the Godess of Spring came. She asked what was wrong, because the bird cried so bitterly.
The giant crushed my nest and my eggs! The bird cried.
Then I understand your grief, but couldn't you build another nest? she asked.
I dare not, as long as the giant is nearby, because he is so big and strong. No one can overcome him. Oh, how i wish I was another animal! I wish I was fleet of foot and clever so I could trick the giant!
The Godess asked the bird if she wanted her to transform her into that kind of animal.
Oh, yes! the bird replied.
The godess transformed her into a rabbit. The rabbit who had been a bird took a trying leap, waved her ears and said:
It feels so different! Such long ears I got and what great jumps I can take!
The rabbit jumped around enthusiastically and was very happy about the great change that had taken place.
Thank you for transforming me! it said and jumped away.
The rabbit jumped around having a good time. Summer came, then autumn and winter. But as spring returned it was sad at ease. When the godess of spring returned to her meadow she found the sad rabbit.
What's the matter? she asked.
I don't really know, the rabbit sighed. At springtime it feels a bit strange.
Maybe you want me to turn you back into a bird? the godess asked.
No, that's not what I want, the rabbit replied. But seeing all the birds building nests and laying eggs make me miss these things very much at this time of year . You see, I've made a small nest here in the grass but there's no eggs in it.
Oh, nothing else! the godess said.
Lay down in your nest, rabbit, and stay absolutely still.
The godess bent down over the rabbit and breathed on it.
Well, what happened? she asked
The bunny looked cautiously into the nest and exclaimed. An egg! I've layed an egg!
Yet again the godess of Spring bent down and this time she breathed twice on the rabbit.
Two more eggs! the rabbit exclaimed beside herself with happiness. Now there's three eggs in my nest all beautifully coloured and shimmering!
The godess smiled. And now I'll tell you a secret, she whispered. From now on you'll lay eggs once a year. Once every spring. This is my gift to you. And now, farewell! And as the rabbit admired her eggs with pride and happiness the godess walked on through her woods.
This is the explanation of the easterbunny taken from greek mythology. The giant is called Orion. In the original story he kills all living creatures. The godess of spring is called Ostara and as the bird wishes to become swift and clever she transforms the bird to a rabbit called Lepus and as spring returns and the rabbit misses it's eggs she gives Lepus the gift of being able to lay eggs once a year.
And what made the easterbunny give away her eggs?
Please tell me if you have a clue.
In our family the Easterbunny lay eggs for the kids to find in our garden in the morning of Easter Eve. We didn't know before where the tradition came from and I wanted a story to explain the event to tell my youngest. I was happy to find this one ast year in norwegian at Ingelas lekstuga. This year I made it simpler and added some pictures.
And you probably wonder about what was the craft in this story. The answer is the eggshells. Initially the eggs were blown out of their shells and then painted with watercolour mixed with sugar and finally they were sprinkled with glitter before drying.
Joining Nicole at Frontier Dreams on Keep Calm Craft On
and donni at The Magic Onions on Friday's Nature Table
The giant crushed my nest and my eggs! The bird cried.
Then I understand your grief, but couldn't you build another nest? she asked.
I dare not, as long as the giant is nearby, because he is so big and strong. No one can overcome him. Oh, how i wish I was another animal! I wish I was fleet of foot and clever so I could trick the giant!
The Godess asked the bird if she wanted her to transform her into that kind of animal.
Oh, yes! the bird replied.
The godess transformed her into a rabbit. The rabbit who had been a bird took a trying leap, waved her ears and said:
It feels so different! Such long ears I got and what great jumps I can take!
The rabbit jumped around enthusiastically and was very happy about the great change that had taken place.
Thank you for transforming me! it said and jumped away.
The rabbit jumped around having a good time. Summer came, then autumn and winter. But as spring returned it was sad at ease. When the godess of spring returned to her meadow she found the sad rabbit.
What's the matter? she asked.
I don't really know, the rabbit sighed. At springtime it feels a bit strange.
Maybe you want me to turn you back into a bird? the godess asked.
No, that's not what I want, the rabbit replied. But seeing all the birds building nests and laying eggs make me miss these things very much at this time of year . You see, I've made a small nest here in the grass but there's no eggs in it.
Oh, nothing else! the godess said.
Lay down in your nest, rabbit, and stay absolutely still.
The godess bent down over the rabbit and breathed on it.
Well, what happened? she asked
The bunny looked cautiously into the nest and exclaimed. An egg! I've layed an egg!
Yet again the godess of Spring bent down and this time she breathed twice on the rabbit.
Two more eggs! the rabbit exclaimed beside herself with happiness. Now there's three eggs in my nest all beautifully coloured and shimmering!
The godess smiled. And now I'll tell you a secret, she whispered. From now on you'll lay eggs once a year. Once every spring. This is my gift to you. And now, farewell! And as the rabbit admired her eggs with pride and happiness the godess walked on through her woods.
This is the explanation of the easterbunny taken from greek mythology. The giant is called Orion. In the original story he kills all living creatures. The godess of spring is called Ostara and as the bird wishes to become swift and clever she transforms the bird to a rabbit called Lepus and as spring returns and the rabbit misses it's eggs she gives Lepus the gift of being able to lay eggs once a year.
And what made the easterbunny give away her eggs?
Please tell me if you have a clue.
In our family the Easterbunny lay eggs for the kids to find in our garden in the morning of Easter Eve. We didn't know before where the tradition came from and I wanted a story to explain the event to tell my youngest. I was happy to find this one ast year in norwegian at Ingelas lekstuga. This year I made it simpler and added some pictures.
And you probably wonder about what was the craft in this story. The answer is the eggshells. Initially the eggs were blown out of their shells and then painted with watercolour mixed with sugar and finally they were sprinkled with glitter before drying.
Joining Nicole at Frontier Dreams on Keep Calm Craft On
and donni at The Magic Onions on Friday's Nature Table
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