Outside my window...It's totally dark. It's 19.50 P.M.
I am thinking...about my little one sleeping in my bed and the little time that was given to connecct with him before he fell asleep tonight ,this weekend we will be together all the time, next week I have a free day, going to Blombacka for the weekend, maybe staying over night, hoping for much connection time with some of my kids, working together
I am thankful...that I have these wonderful kids, that I'm growing as their mom and that we have this wonderful project to work on which opens up to creative plans for the future
In the's really messy
I am wearing...jeans and a pyjamas-shirt
I am creating...dreams coming true
I am going...upstairs soon to tuck my son to bed and to look over my daughter's homework
I am wondering...where I will be in my dreamfullfilment at this time next year and where I will be as a mom and about when my 16-year old will come home. It's getting late. (She's studying maths with her friends).
I am reading...Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids by Laura Mrkham
I am hoping...that my stressed out husband will stay alive, somehow be able to change paths and lead a calmer life soon
I am looking forward to...connecting with my kids upstairs, working together in the weekend, trying some new vegetarian recipes with some help from my little one. (Company in the kitchen makes me happy.)
I am learning day by day to be a better mom
Around the's as messy as yesterday because I work fulltime this week
I am pondering...about whether starting permaculturing is a realistic dream for next year
A favorite quote for today...

One of my favorite working together
A few plans for the rest of the week: putting up clothes for sale on Swedish ebay (tradera), mailing sold clothes, do some laundry, do some tidying up around here
A peek into my day...hrhmm... came home late, dark outside, no pictures today...
Linking with the Simple Woman's Daybook
excellent poster!
SvaraRaderaI love having my kids help me in the kitchen too. My little girl loves helping me cook.
SvaraRaderaI like your "Bloom Where You Are Planted" poster. If we all would do that, it would be a happier world.